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Longford Transition Towns 15th July 2023

CELT were delighted to be invited to be apart of the day of Sustainable Communities Event Wellbeing & Sustainable Living event taking place on Saturday & Sunday 15th & 16th July.held in Longford by Transition Town Longford,

Our Coordinator Bob Wilson was invited to give a talk on our work on FORESTRY, NATURE CONSERVATION & TRADITIONAL SKILLS which took place on Saturday 15th July - 3.45 - 4.45pm in The Temperance Hall, Longford Town.

Bob Wilson is a founder member of CELT a leading provider of ecological and environmental services. He formerly represented CELT on the IEN board of directors and currently does so on the PPN. He's a a dry stone wall tutor and a passionate believer in the potential that exisits for stronger communities via the sharing of skills, knowledge and a respect for nature.

CELT works with a variety of educational and community groups to

1 - To further skills and training relating to sustainable principles and practices, habitat creation, organic production, tree planting agroforestry and traditional crafts.

2 - To generate creative practical responses to our current environmental challenges.

Much of Bobs work is in advocacy so Transition Town Longford were delighted to hear from him and exploring how they can develop their skills within Transition Longford Group & how to bring that learning out into our communities.

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