With huge thanks to Heiko for this Blog Post
After a 5 year interval the much anticipated reboot of the All Ireland Permaculture Gathering finally took off and some 200 people gathered at the Slieve Aughty Centre over the weekend of 24/25 August.
The Slieve Aughty Cente were delighted to work alongside the coordinatinating team led by CELT and the All Ireland Permaculture Gathering sub Committee to host this event. It was brilliant to see many old friends again, and meet new ones. After some last minute panic about the weather not cooperating and turning it into a mud fest, the permaculture gods did smile on us, with just the odd shower not dampening the mood, and the sun shining on us for much of the time.
As usual, the gathering was a self-organising event, workshops were put up by participants and everybody chipped in with any jobs that needed doing from gathering firewood for the central fireplace, putting up and taking down structures, (wo)maning the welcome tent or offering to help with the kid’s programs. The firepit An Tine Mór acted as a key uniting and focal point for the gathering, enabling everybody to meet and connect, chat and mingle, with wonderful music to be played and stories to be shared. Deep gratitude to Sacred heritage keeper Aoife De Dannan who so wholeheartedly tended to the sacred ritual in lighting the community fire and tending and keeping its embers lit over the weekend.
The gathering of permaculture practitioners, self organises to share skills and knowledge offering workshops on sustainable land use, compost heating, seed saving, and covered many aspects from how to build a compost heated shower, sharing and Co-housing, to no-dig forest gardening, growing mealworms at home and identity, sexuality and community to name but a few topics.
Impact: Strengthened the permaculture network across Ireland.
Outcome: Successful launch of the All Ireland Permaculture Network (AIPN) for future collaboration. We officially launched the All Ireland Permaculture Network (AIPN) The vision is to advance the knowledge and practice of permaculture on the island of Ireland through sharing, networking and advocacy.